And Breathe…

Today has been one of “those days.” Really, it started yesterday. But, today has been the day that I almost felt overwhelmed. Today was the day, I remembered to reach out for help. It was in the calm of a friends voice which allowed me space to process, time to slow down, and breathe. I was able to think clearly.

No, it isn’t the end of the world. I can do this. I am strong enough. God is with us. “What do you need? I can come over and wash laundry or something.” For some reason, that made me laugh. It snapped me back to reality. As much as I love and appreciate my children’s stepmom and we are becoming good friends, I could never have her wash laundry! She does so much for us already.

During my deployment, I saw much worse. I dealt with MASCALs. However, when it’s my children – two is worse than fifteen wounded Soldiers. I forget what to do. I can’t find the number to the doctor, I have a migraine, I don’t know where the insurance cards are, I don’t know how to drive! How do I take a temperature? Can someone “Ask Siri this question for me?” I am a complete and utter wreck. Well, I was, when there were two, first thing this morning. Eventually, I got it together, I figured it all out.

I remembered how to breathe in, breathe out. I knew to pray all along. But to breathe? I forgot to breathe. Throughout the day, I have been more relaxed, kiddos need their mama that way, remembering to breathe, taking care of my babies, and having this mental health day.

*Original Photo of my little helper*


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