Not Another Holiday Post…

Okay, yes it is! The holidays crept up so quickly this year I was not at all prepared! First, Thanksgiving, my holiday, my favorite holiday. It took until the last moment to decide if I was going to cook or if we were going to spend it with my children’s stepmother’s family… I cooked, per my kiddos’ request.

Now Christmas. Dad’s holiday. I thought to stay in bed all day. But, that won’t do, haha. Who stays in bed on Christmas?! As nice as it sounds, I will spend Christmas with the kids, the ex, the stepmom, and her family. (Her dad makes an amazing French Toast, I’m told.) Then, it’s off to a movie and dinner with a lovely little lady, whom I haven’t seen since my birthday! Last year she cooked spaghetti, and we vegged out on her couch to reruns of Friends. Which was perfect, I had just returned from Europe, and learned of the death of someone I dated. Has it really been a year? (This was supposed to be a positive post…)

Someone asked me earlier this week, after asking a week and a half ago and I laughed in response, “Are you done with your Christmas shopping now?” I don’t know why, but she sounded almost cynical. I’m done with what I’m going to do. I was honest at the time. Until two days ago. The presents from the ex and stepmom arrived… How could I forget their presents?! So, it was back out to the stores for last minute presents.

I hope that didn’t sound bad. I enjoy giving gifts. This year’s consumerism is uncanny! Even the lines at the grocery stores are insane! Thanking God for the patience I seem to have developed overnight. I have to constantly remind myself that this is not what Christmas is all about. If my calm, patient mood in a long line, or smile at a stranger can be a ray of sunshine in their gloomy day, then perhaps I was meant to be this behind in my shopping this year.

I keep in the forefront of my mind, Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Tossing away the consumerism, the candy, cookies, and lights. And getting back to the basics of what this season stands for: peace on earth, goodwill toward men, joy to the world… To think that God almighty, came to earth, robed in flesh, born of man in a manger – and all for one purpose. The reconciliation of man back to God. In my mind, this is the reason for the season.

*Original Photo*


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