For the Love of God

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭KJV

“For God so loved the world…” such a powerful statement, one I fear is too often overlooked. I was saddened this year as I realized one great thing was overlooked in all of the messages that I heard pertaining to Easter, Christ’s death, burial, resurrection and ascension… I came to wonder what about His love? I grew up in this thing, of course, I should already know, such little emphasis is placed on God’s love for us at all.

“God’s love isn’t based on me. It’s simply placed on me. And it’s the place from which I should live . . . loved.” – Lysa Terkeust

We often think that we have to do something to earn God’s love, but we don’t! He just loves us – unconditionally. And this is the same love we share with others. It’s grace, a gift unmerited and undeserved. I read somewhere that even when we are unfaithful, he is faithful to us, and he never turns his eyes away from us. That’s love! I’ve mentioned before my love for birds, they captivate me, if you will. Partly because, his eyes are on the sparrow, so I know he watches me... I love God more than anything, especially knowing that his eyes are always on me…

To think of love unconditional, I think of forgiveness. This is often a true test of having a heart after God, letting him shine through me… Speaking with my kids the other day, we were on the topic of feeling rejected or dismissed by someone important in our lives. My heart broke for them as it had in times past. I taught them when someone so important hurts us or ignores us we go to them and say, “This hurt,” because they may not know what they are doing. It is likely not intentional. Yet, to teach my children forgiveness and to love despite the return of, “Oh, I’m sorry that you feel that way.” Because, isn’t this God’s way? Teaching them to allow God to fill the void. Sometimes we hold others to expectations that they simply cannot meet… And that’s okay, we love anyway!

Unlike the example of so many people, we don’t have to do anything to earn God’s love. We don’t have to do anything to earn his blessings. He loves us just because, God is love. It is his very nature. It makes me sad that the message of God’s love is been removed from teachings. It’s been removed from so much… We seem to forget – we seem to neglect the teaching of God’s love.

In this world that we live now, I believe that we need the message of God more than ever. And we also need to know of his love.

*Original Photo*


    1. I agree. This isn’t to be said of all churches of course. It was in a church, when I left “denomination” behind that I learned about God’s love and freedom in him. Thanks for stopping by.


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