“Mom Win”

As I often teach and try to practice, Children are individuals, not extensions of their parents.

Sometimes, when my daughter puts on an outfit that really does not go together… I forget. I fail. I nag. I don’t always ask, but suggest, or even tell her to find something else to wear… Then, I feel bad, when I see her face. Spirit crushed. She really wanted to wear plaid with camo – or something like that. Then, I have Mom Guilt…

I have come to realize, life is short and 10 years from now, it really won’t matter what she wore today.

I must say, I had a “Mom Win” yesterday! I was really excited that my reaction to a striped dress and unicorn leggings was no reaction. In fact, I honestly told her that she looked beautiful. She was beaming ear to ear, my girls are beautiful, and even more so when they smile.

My kiddos met some of my coworkers yesterday. Only now am I thinking of my baby girl’s outfit. Not in mortification. More of a recognition that, “Huh, I truly had a Mom Win there!” Because, as I happily introduced my kiddos to my coworkers, I only saw them, not what they were wearing, or how they had fixed their hair. And, in my eyes they are perfect!

I support her creative spirit, no matter what age! I recall being the same at 10, 14, 17, and even in my 20s… Now in my 30s if I’m true to myself, not much has changed…

*Original Photo of my cutie*


    1. You are correct. We must definitely be a guide for them, teach them about God, and interfere if we find anything harmful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and stopping by.


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