Officially a Freshman

“I won’t cry today. I cried when you started preschool. I cried when you started kindergarten – I lied, I’m going to cry.”

I cried. Couldn’t help it in the end.

“You’re going to make me cry.”

I tried my best to hold it together and not turn into a blubbering, please don’t go, mess. I think I did okay…

I wasn’t supposed to drive her to school today. However, I’m glad that I did. A story that one day, she’s going to look back on and laugh.. Although, I hope she’s laughing now, because I have been all day!

Still, as her life, and the lives of her brother and sister flashed before my eyes. I was reminded of how quickly time truly flies! They aren’t supposed to be in 9th, 7th, and 5th grades! I just had them yesterday! Haha! I’m not living in the past, I don’t ever want to go back there… But, my my! Time passes by so quickly! The good, bad, ugly, beautiful, tears, laughs, funny, dull – I wouldn’t trade for anything!

Just as I told their dad the other day, The kids are growing up. I need the reminder myself.

I look to the future with hopeful expectation. They are going to do just fine! I am so very blessed with the young ladies whom the Lord has blessed me to mother, and the young man, I am truly blessed to call my son.

I thank the Lord each day for my children and the relationships that we share. I mean, they actually want to hang out with me! They are very open with me, even if it shocks me.

Now I’m learning the fine balance of letting go and trusting God, yet still being mommy.. (They all still call me mommy♥️) As our relationships change, because of their ages, I still have so much to learn. I ask them to grant me a little grace for things that I do not know (it is my first time being a parent.) And I ask God for the wisdom to guide them, as I continue to teach them right from wrong. Praying that they are fully equipped to step out into the world and face whatever is waiting for them each day, fully confident, knowing God is in complete control.

*Original Photos – Her first day of preschool and first day of high school


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