Experiencing God’s Love

My hope and prayer for so many today, is that they will truly experience God’s love.

Yes, we may know that God loves us, or not. We may feel His love at various times. But, I have learned that feeling and experiencing are two very different concepts.

One thing that I believe about feeling, is that it is a fleeting moment. When we live our lives based on what we feel – or approach God this way – then, aren’t we chasing the feeling of one fleeting moment after the next?

But to experience God in our lives – well, this is what sustains us. Because we learn through experience, right? We learn to trust Him, learn to depend on Him. So, no matter where life leads us, or what happens – we have no doubts that God is there.

For me, feelings are fleeting, untrustworthy, temporal. But experience? Who can argue with that? No one can take away from you something you have experienced.

I had been told, Jesus loves you. As much as I wanted to believe – because I had felt it at times. I couldn’t. But after I experienced His love in a real way – I knew that Jesus, indeed, loved me.

Even now, as I am faced with loss, unanswered questions – it is His love for me, that I have experienced, that keeps me pushing forward.

I still cannot fathom why anyone would take their own lives… But, I have hope that for we, who are forced to survive, can not just feel, but also experience God’s love in a real way…

*Original Image*


  1. Our love towards God is not based on Feeling but it is based on Truth. “T he Truth set us free ” , anyone can shape our feeling but not anyone can take the truth within us. The feelings comes and goes , but Truth stays forever. I like the way you explained this truth through the lens of experience. It is truly right , we experienced the Truth (Jesus love ) in our life that is why we put our hope in it. Beautiful and sharp in the point post. Thank you for this Jessy.❤💯

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  2. This is absolutely True! You are absolutely Right! The difference in believing and experiencing is Huge! I have experienced God’s love for me at a time when nothing else could pull me out of my darkness but that experience. Not the Word, though I believed the Word,…not my mama, though my mama’s love was strong,….not anything but that experience of love from God. God’s demonstration to me personally showing me His love towards me in-depth. Nothing like it in this world!❤

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