On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

Hi Friends!

As you may, or may not, have noticed, I have been absent. Not only from blogging, but also from keeping up with your blog posts. There has been a lot going on.. to say the least.

For starters, I was recently healed from one of the worst illnesses of my life thus far. It was not coronavirus, although, I am certain that it was wicked in nature, no less. Never have I ever been in such a state, in my life where I had no energy, teetering back and forth between consciousness and unconsciousness for days. Finally, enough was enough. Getting out of my sick bed, I called my sister to pray with/for me and immediately I was healed, delivered, set free.

One thing that I realized in the battle and infirmity that I faced is that, not only was I unable to put a coherent thought together, I was unable to even think of or even call out to God. It’s where the enemy wants us. Tired. Wiped out. Incoherent.

We must live our lives for God every moment. We don’t know when our next moment will be our last. There were moments in my infirmity when I would wake and ask my daughter, “When did I fall asleep?” It’s like that, isn’t it? The church. We have fallen into a sleep/ a stupor and don’t realize it. It’s time to wake up. Rise up. Stand up.

On Christ the Solid Rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand.


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