Nothing But The Truth

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. John 14:6-7 KJV

We live in a time where truth seems to be a concept rather than a constant.

As you know, we relocated back down south after living 10 years in the Pacific Northwest (talk about a culture shock). I, honestly, thought that finding a home church would be a piece of cake. Our church home up north closed it’s doors in March 2020 and hadn’t reopened prior to our moving away. Maybe you can imagine how desperate we’ve been to worship in person, with like- minded believers and fellowship!

This hasn’t been the easy task I expected.

Maybe it’s this time of covid, “To vaccinate or not to vaccinate,” is this really the question? Perhaps it has always been there? I don’t really know? However, I’m finding that truth seems to be a mere concept of, Whatever works for you and your family, rather than what thus saith the Lord. I fully expect politicians and the like to have only a concept of truth: vague responses, no real commitment in their words (I’m sure they’re not all this way). However, I also expect spiritual leaders to not only stand for truth, but declare it.

If what’s true for me is truth and what’s true for you is truth, can there really be truth?

I say not. We knew that Jesus is truth, His Word is truth. Truth is not a variable, neither is it a concept. So many are confused today, with no real concept of what truth is… We must go back to the basics. We must get back into God’s Holy Word, we must seek God, seek His truth (this is the only truth) and we must share it.

We cannot be afraid to take a stand and declare God’s truth. Not despite or in spite of the times we live in, rather because of the times.


  1. I hear you about finding a church. We were overseas for years and not work with missioinaries coming home from overseas. Finding a church or returning to a home church that has a new pastor, full of lots of changes is stressful. You are tired from living overseas, need a refreshing word and meeting like minded people and so often finding anything but that. American churches are fasting changing and it’s hard to keep up with whats new. Hope you find a good one.


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