True Contentment

As I enter my 38th year, my sincere and earnest prayer is that God will teach me to be truly content, no matter the circumstances.

I’ve found this to be a struggle at various times, in various situations… However, it is my desire, to learn true contentment – the kind that only comes from Jesus.

The kind of contentment, where, like Paul, I can truly express that no matter what state I’m in, I’ve learned there with to be content…

The kind of contentment where, even if I don’t understand, and maybe can’t even see God’s hand at work, I know that all things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are called, according to His purpose…

As I enter into another year, my prayer is different: God, teach me true contentment.

*Original image courtesy of Yours Truly ☀️🌺🤍


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