Trusting God

When I can’t see, You are my eyes.

When I can’t speak, Your Word fills my mouth.

When I can’t hear, You speak to me.

When I can’t feel, Your love fills my heart.

When I’m lost, Jesus, You guide me.

When my heart is heavy, Father, You comfort me.

When I’m overwhelmed, You command, Peace be still.

When I feel like I can’t go on, God, You carry me.

When I feel sorrow, You turn it to joy.

When I am weak, You are my strength.

When I fall, You pick me up.

When I am afraid, You are my peace.

So often I find myself consumed by my faults, failures, weaknesses, and this dark world we live in. But more and more, I’m learning to lean on Jesus. I’m learning that, all that I am and all that I’m not, Jesus IS.

He is greater. He is there. He is above all. He is in all. And better yet, He is with me through it all.

So I trust Him. My faith is in Jesus.

*Original image courtesy of JEB ☀️🌺🤍


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