
Some years ago, I had a job interview and when I asked what the ideal candidate for the position was, my later supervisor stated, Be teachable.

At the time, I thought, So easy! Done.

I soon learned and am still learning just what it means to be teachable.

It means, No. I don’t know everything and that’s okay! It means, I don’t have all the answers, but someone else knows something I don’t. It sometimes means learning from each other.

We live in a world that’s so full of pride that even if we don’t know, we know. We aren’t willing to admit that we’re wrong, we don’t know, we need help.

But this isn’t right.

In my professional life, personal life, and in my relationship with God, I find that I’m constantly learning more and more. The more I seek God, the more I learn of Him.

No matter how many times I read through the Word of God, no matter how many years I’ve known Him – I learn of Him every single day.

To be teachable is to admit that I don’t know it all and I’m not going to stop learning everyday.

*Original image courtesy of Yours Truly ☀️🤍🌺

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