Standing Still

“I stood still for a long time and a period of incompleteness completed me.”

I don’t remember who said that, or where I heard it, but the phrase has haunted me. Perhaps because to stand still in a place where you don’t belong, or to stand still in the depths of darkness and despair is most definitely a death sentence.

There are times, however when we stand still in the presence of Almighty God and know that He is God. There are times when we stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

Stand still.

Life is so full of different seasons. I find myself in a place where I feel as though I’m standing still, totally incomplete, empty. Yet, I know that I’m complete. It’s God’s Holy Spirit that fills me. It’s Jesus’ Spirit that motivates me to get up, pick up, and walk… I can only stand still here in this moment, basking in God’s Holy presence

*Original image courtesy of Yours Truly ☀️🤍🌸


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