That Girl

“I’m just that girl in the corner now, no one really knows me. They don’t even know my name.”

That girl in the corner… Doesn’t she know that her personality is too great to just be that girl in the corner? Doesn’t she know that she shines too bright to just be that girl in the corner? Joking, to cover the pain I felt for her I tease, “Nobody puts Baby in the corner.” Earning a smile.

How many of us end up as that girl in the corner? When we allow the circumstances of life, the words and actions of people, our adversary to steal from us; to shut our mouths, to sit us down, tell us our worth, tell us our name, push us into the corner…

We were made to be so much more than that girl in the corner. Every girl/young lady/woman I know has so much more to offer than to be forced to the sidelines. Besides, He called us to much more!

“Strength and honour are her clothing;” Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭KJV

When we stop listening to Him and start listening to them, we lose sight of who we are and how He sees us. Speaking from experience. I was once that girl in the corner and I refuse to ever go back! I can’t hide or stifle my personality for anyone! So, I’m encouraging her to do the same. She doesn’t know just how amazing she is! And the magnetic personality she truly possesses.

Some of the greatest words that were given to me and I shared with her were: We love you for being you. Don’t ever stop being you.

*Original Photo*


  1. I really enjoyed your post. I guess I’ve been a little down lately, but your article reminded me that no matter what I have to keep on going and be the person that God wants me to be. Thanks for encouraging al of us girls.

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