Bring It

Have you ever felt defeated?

I often feel defeated as a mommy. There are those times when I lose my patience, my temper, my cool. Then, instead of helping the situation, that’s when I nitpick at what has not been done – is your bedroom clean? Deflection. When I’m really winning that day, I may even yell. Then, no one is safe, because all y’all don’t listen! As if that helps. All that helps is the guilt to set in – not theirs, mine. That bad mom guilt that sends me to my bedroom, causes me to shut the door and cry, skip dinner, and say I don’t know how I’m going to face them again. All the while begging God to protect their hearts from wounds inflicted by me.

I’ve heard it said so many times “it all starts at the top“. That must really be true. One day in prayer, as I was crying out to God regarding my attitude, and the kids’ too, I felt so strongly in my heart, your house, your call. Besides, it all starts at the top, right?

If my home is to be a place of joy, I have to bring joy into the situation where previously I may have been a little snarky. It’s a choice, a decision. Not one I can do in my own, obviously. But: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬ If I want there to be peace and live in place of an attitude, I have to bring it!

I am finding that this works no matter the situation, setting, or group. Whether I’m at work, church, with friends, family, or strangers… We are able to set the tone by what we bring with us. Bring the Holy Spirit, bring joy, bring love, bring peace, bring patience, bring kindness, bring goodness, bring meekness, bring gentleness… Whatever you have to bring – BRING IT!


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